The Division Alg

∀a,b∈Z with b>0, there exists unique q,r∈Z, s.t. a=bq+r with 0≤r<b

q - quotient
r - remainder

ex. a=21, b=2 ; a=35, b=6
    a  = bxq  + r
    21 = 2x10 + 1
    35 = 6x5  + 1

consider S={a-bx|x∈Z, a-bx≥0}

ex. a=12, b=5  
    x    a-bx
    .     .    ∈S
    -2    22   ∈S
    -1    17   ∈S
    0     12   ∈S
    1     7    ∈S
    2     2    ∈S
    3     -3   not∈S

    x : quotients
    a-bx : remainders

    2 is the remainder since 0≤r<b (2<5)
    so the minimum element of S is the remainder

proof: 1. claim S≠∅, so we can have the minimum element  
          (to prove the smallest exists, first to prove S≠∅)
       case 1: a≥0, let x=0
               so S≠∅
       case 2: a<0, let x=a
               1-b≤0 since b>0, so b≥1 since b∈Z
               so a-ba=a(1-b)≥0 and ∈S
               so S≠∅

        2. prove 0≤r<b
        let r=min(S) since S≠∅
        let q be the corresponding x-value  
        r=a-bq => a=bq+r show 0≤r<b
        towards a contradiction, sps r≥b  
        substract b on both side  
        but r-b<r=min(S) !contradiction!
        so r<b  

        3. prove the uniqueness of q,r  
        sps that q,q',r,r' are s.t. a=bq+r=bq'+r'
        assume r'≥r  
        LHS: multiple of b  
        RHS: 0≤r'-r<b <- -b<-r≤0 and 0≤r'<b, so -b<r'-r<b
        so r=r', q=q' ■

The Euclidean Alg

Suppose a,b∈N, if we repeatedly perform the division alg

   a   =      bxq1     + r1
   b   =     r1xq2     + r2
   r1  =     r2xq3     + r3
r{n-3} = r{n-2}xq{n-1} + r{n-1}
r{n-2} = r{n-1}xq{n}   + 0

then r{n-1}=gcd(a,b)

ex. Find gcd(5295, 4321)=1 <- they are primes  

     a   =  qxb    +  r
    5295 =  1x4321 + 974
    4321 =  4x974  + 425  
    974  =  2x425  + 124
    425  =  3x124  + 53
    124  =  2x53   + 18
    53   =  2x18   + 17
    18   =  1x17   + 1   <- remainder
    17   = 17x1    + 0

proof: (of Euclidean Alg)
       1. to prove this process ends <- the sequence ends i.e. r{n-1} exists
       Notice that the sequence {r1,r2,r3,...}⊆N and is decreasing
       thus by the Well Ordering Principle  
       it trancates, say at r{n-1}
       which is the last non-zero remainder  
       2. show r{n-1}|a and r{n-1}|b so r{n-1} is a common divisor  
       -> r{n-1}|r{n-2}
       -> r{n-1}|r{n-3}
       -> r{n-1}|b, r{n-1}|a  
       3. show r{n-1} is a greatest common divisor  
       suppose d|a and d|b (suppose we have another common divisor)
       -> d|a-bq1 -> d|r1
       -> d|b-r1q1 -> d|r2
       -> d|r{n-1} then
       r{n-1}=gcd(a,b) ■

The Extended Euclidean Alg

Find x,y∈Z s.t. 123x+45y=gcd(123,45)

 a  = b  x q + r
123 = 45 x 2 + 33                33 = 123 - 45x2
45  = 33 x 1 + 12                12 = 45  - 33x1 = 45-123+45x2=45x3-123
                                 |          v
33  = 12 x 2 + 9                 |9 = 33  - 12x2 = 123-45x2-(45x3-123)x2=45x(-8)+123x3
                                 |----|     |
                                      v     v
12  = 9  x 1 + 3 <- gcd(123,45)   3 = 12  - 9x1

9   = 3  x 3 + 0


thun x=-4, y=11

Find all x,y∈Z s.t. 878x+252y=gcd(878,252)

a   =  b  x q + r
878 = 252 x 3 + 122
252 = 122 x 2 + 8
122 = 8   x 5 + 2 <- gcd(878,252)
8   = 2   x 4 + 0

31x878 - 108x252 = 2
thus x=31, y=-108 but it's only one solution  

by lcm(a,b)=ab/gcd(a,b)

           878x252         252   878
lcm(a,b) = ------- = 878 x --- = --- x 252  
              2             2     2
                         |           |
                         v           v
                     878 x 126   439 x 252  times k∈Z and let one subtract another = 0

  31   x 878 - 108  x 252 = 2
+ 126k x 878 - 439k x 252 = 0  let k∈Z  
  (31+126k)x878 -(108+439k)x252 = 2  

Linear Diophantine Equation (LDE)

Given a,b,c∈N, when does there exist x,y∈Z s.t. ax+by=c?

Recall if c=gcd(a,b) then there exists x,y∈Z s.t. ax+by=gcd(a,b)

Solution 1: find x,y using Extended Euclidean Alg  

Solution 2: sps x,y∈Z s.t. ax+by=c  (c≠gcd(a,b))
            let d=gcd(a,b)
            -> d|a, d|b  
            -> d|ax+by  
            -> d|c  

Fact: Given a,b,c∈N, the equation ax+by=c has a solution for x,y∈Z
      iff gcd(a,b)|c i.e. c is a multiple of gcd(a,b)  

ex. 3x+6y=2 <- no solution  
    2 is not a multiple of gcd(3,6)=3, i.e. 3|2 not true  

    7x+21y=5 <- no solution  
    gcd(7,21)=7|5 not true  

ex. 10x+12y=4 <- has solution
    gcd(10,12)=2|4 true  

    to guess a solution
    thus x=-1, and y=1  

    10x(-1)+12x(1)=2 times 2 both sides
    10x(-2)+12x(2)=4 <- important

    to get infinitely many solutions  
    60-60=10x6-12x5=0 times k∈Z both sides
    10x(6k)+12x(-5k)=0 <- important

      10x(-2)+12x(2)  =4
    + 10x(6k)+12x(-5k)=0
    10x(6k-2)+12x(-5k+2)=4 k∈Z

Primitive Pythagorean Triples (PPT)

Def: x,y,z∈N^3 is a Pythagorean triple if x^2+y^2=z^2

Def: a Pythagorean triple is called Primitive Pythagorean Triple if gcd(x,y,z)=1

Find all Primitive Pythagorean Triples

sps x,y,z is a PPT  

Q: is it possible that x,y are both even? No!
let x=2a, y=2b  
-> 4|z^2  
-> 2|z
-> z is even  
x,y,z all even -> gcd(x,y,z)=2≠1 !contradiction!
so not possible for x,y are even

Q: is it possible that x,y are both odd? No!
let x=2a+1, y=2b+1  
-> z^2 is even but 4|z^2 not true (z^2 is not a multiple of 4)
it's impossible for a square to be a multiple of 2 but not a multiple of 4  
thus z^2 is not a square of a natural number  

so x,y is one odd, one even

take x=odd, y=even, Recall x^2+y^2=z^2  
-> z=odd  

let y^2=z^2-x^2=(z-x)(z+x)=4mn  m,n∈Z
                  |    |
                 even  even
                  |    |
                  2m   2n

let y=2k  k∈Z  
-> 4k^2=4mn
-> k^2=mn <- a perfect square  

claim: gcd(m,n)=1  
proof: m=(z-x)/2, n=(z+x)/2  
       sps d|m, d|n
       -> d|m+n
       -> d|z  
       similarly d|x  
       -> d|gcd(x,z) since x,y,z is PPT
       -> d|1  
       -> d=1  

so k^2=mn w/ gcd(m,n)=1
it follows m=p^2, n=q^2, w/ gcd(p,q)=1
-> p^2=(z-x)/2, q^2=(z+x)/2
-> x=q^2-p^2

Theorem: if (x,y,z) is a PPT then there exists coprime p,q∈N, one even one odd
s.t. x=q^2-p^2, y=2pq, z=p^2+q^2

ex. p  q  x    y    z
    1  2  3    4    5
    2  3  5    12   13
    3  8  55   48   73  
    24 37 793 1776 1945

Divisibility within the Integers

Def: Given a,b∈Z w/ a≠0, we say a divides b and a|b if b=ak for some k∈Z

ex. 2|16 b/c 16=2x8  
    3|90 b/c 90=3x30  
    1|n  b/c n=1xn  

1. if a|b and b|c then a|c
2. if a|b then ca|cb
3. if a|b and a|c then for all x,y∈Z a|bx+cy

Claim: if a|1 then a=±1

proof: sps a|1
       -> 1=ak k∈Z
       -> 1=|a||k|
       -> 1≤|a|=|1/k|≤1
       -> |a|=1
       -> a=±1 ■

       sometime we prove a=±1 to show |a|=1  

Congruence Modulo N

Def: Given n∈N, and a,b∈Z, we say a is congruent to b modulo n, and write a≡b(mod n)
if n|a-b

(equv Def: a and b have the same remainder when divided by n, i.e. rem(a/n)=rem(b/n))

ex.  8 ≡ 3(mod 5)  5|8-3   3 mod 5 = 3, 8 mod 5 = 3
    20 ≡ 4(mod 8)  8|20-4  4 mod 8 = 4, 20 mod 8 = 4
    13 ≡ -1(mod 7) 7|13-(-1)  -1 mod 7 = 6, 13 mod 7 = 6

Congruence and Equivalence Class

Equivalence Relation means a binary relation that is reflexive, symmetric and transitive

Proposition: ≡b(mod n) is an equivalence relation
1. for all a∈Z, a≡a(mod n) (reflexive)
2. for all a,b∈Z, if a≡b(mod n) then b≡a(mod n) (symmetric)
3. for all a,b,c∈Z, if a≡b(mod n), b≡c(mod n) then a≡c(mod n) (transitive)

Equivalence Class means: given a set S and an equivalence relation ~ on S, the equivalence class of an element a in S, denoted by [a]={x∈S|x~a} is the set of elements which are equivalent to (has equivalence relation to) a

ex. define a relation R = {(1,1), (1,3), (1,5), (3,1), (3,3), (3,5), (5,1), (5,3), (5,5), (2,2), (2,6), (6,2), (6,6), (4,4)}  
    and a set S = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
    [1] = {x∈S | (x,1)∈R} <- anything related to 1  
        = {1,3,5}
    [2] = {x∈S | (x,2)∈R}
        = {2,6}  
    [3] = {x∈S | (x,3)∈R}
        = {1,3,5} = [1]
    [4] = {4}
    [5] = {1,3,5} = [1] = [3]
    [6] = {2,6} = [2]  

    a way of organizing elements
    e.g. all elements are related to themselves, 1 to 3,5, 3 to 1,5, 5 to 1,3, etc  

    -- 1 <---> 3 --   -- 2 <--> 6 --   4 --
    |  ^^     ^^  |   |  ^      ^  |   ^  |
    ---| \   / |---   ---|      |---   |---
          v v
           5 --
           ^  |

Def: for x∈Z define the equivalence class of x w.r.t ≡(mod n) by [x]={a∈Z|a≡x(mod n)}

ex. x=0,1,2 n=3
    [0] = {a∈Z | a≡0(mod 3)} = {..., -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, ...} <- 3|a-0  
    [1] = {a∈Z | a≡1(mod 3)} = {..., -5, -2, 1, 4, 7, ...} <- 3|a-1
    [2] = {a∈Z | a≡2(mod 3)} = {..., -4, -1, 2, 5, 8, ...} <- 3|a-2

    [0] - equivalence class of 0  
    this 3 sets partition the integers  

Fact: there are exactly n equivalence classes modulo n, [0],[1],[2],…,[n-1]

Def: fix n, the set of least residues (modulo n) is given by {0,1,2,…,n-1}

ex. the least residue modulo 4 is {0,1,2,3}  

Claim: for all a∈Z, a is congruent to exactly one of the least residues modulo n

(if you are talking about arithmetic modulo n or the numbers modulo n, you only really need to talk about the number 0 to n-1)

proof: use division alg w/ a and n  
       a=nq+r w/ 0≤r<1 <-> 0≤r≤1
       -> a-r=nq
       -> n|a-r
       -> a≡r mod n
       -> a is congruent to r, which is a number between 0 to n-1  
       i.e. a is congruent to one of the least residues ■

Property of ≡(mod n)

Proposition 1: if a≡b(mod n) and c≡d(mod n)

  • a+c=(b+d)(mod n)
  • ac=(bd)(mod n)

Proposition 2: if a≡b(mod m) and n|m

  • then a≡b(mod n)

Proposition 3: for a,b,c∈Z, we have ca≡cb(mod n) iff a≡b(mod n/gcd(c,n))

ex. 3x≡12(mod 15)
    3x≡3*4(mod 3*5)
    x≡4(mod 5)
    x-4=5k for k∈Z
    x≡4,9,14(mod 5)=4,9,14(mod 15)

ex. 6x≡18(mod 20)
    6x≡6*3(mod 20/gcd(6,20))
    x≡3(mod 10)
    x-3=10k for k∈Z
    x≡3,13(mod 10)≡3,13(mod 20)

Find all n∈N s.t. 24≡10(mod n)

n|24-10 -> n|14 -> n∈{1,2,7,14}

ex. 24≡0(mod 2)
    10≡0(mod 2)
    24≡3(mod 7)
    10≡3(mod 7)

Find all n∈N s.t. 32≡20(mod n)

n|32-20 -> n|12 -> n∈{1,2,3,4,6}

       +6       +6       +6        +6
ex. 32≡2(mod 6)≡8(mod 6)≡14(mod 6)≡20(mod 6)
    20≡2(mod 6)...
    32≡0(mod 4)...
    20≡0(mod 4)...
    32≡2(mod 3)...
    20≡2(mod 3)...

Find the least residue 28^13 (mod 10)

note that 28≡-2 (mod 10)
13=8+4+1 (base 2)

28^13≡(-2)^13≡(-2)^8*(-2)^4*(-2)^1 (mod 10)
                6   *  6   *  8
                       6   *  8

28^13≡48 (mod 10)≡8 (mod 10)

(-2)^1≡8 (mod 10)
(-2)^4≡16 (mod 10)≡6 (mod 10)
(-2)^8=(-2)^4^2≡36 (mod 10)≡6 (mod 10)

Find the least residue 12! (mod 13)

12!=1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 x 10 x 11
                          x-6 x-5 x-4 x -3 x -2
   = 2^2 x 3^2 x 4^2 x 5^2 x 6^2
     4     9     16     25    36
        -3       3      -1    -3

12!≡-27 (mod 13)≡12 (mod 13)

7(mod 13)≡(-6)(mod 13)
8(mod 13)≡(-5)(mod 13)
9(mod 13)≡(-4)(mod 13)
10(mod 13)≡(-3)(mod 13)
11(mod 13)≡(-2)(mod 13)

way 2: 12!≡(2x6)^2 * (3x4)^2 * 5^2 (mod 13)
             -1        -1      25
          ≡25 (mod 13)
          ≡12 (mod 13)

Linear Congruence

Proposition: the linear congruence ax≡b (mod n) has a solution iff gcd(a,n)|b

proof: (->) sps that xo is a solution
            i.e. axo≡b (mod n)   
            -> n|axo-b -> axo-b=nk for k∈Z
            -> b=ax0-nk=axo+(-k)n <- this is a multiple of gcd(a,n) since ax+by=gcd(a,b) has a solution from Diophatine Equation  
            -> b=l*gcd(a,n) for l∈Z
            -> gcd(a,n)|b

       (<-) sps that gcd(a,n)|b
            -> b=gcd(a,n)*m for m∈Z
            write gcd(a,n)=ay+nz for y,z∈Z
            -> b=(ay+nz)m=a(ym)+n(zm)
            -> b-a(ym)=n(zm)
            -> a(ym)≡b (mod n)
            -> ym is a solution to ax≡b (mod n) ■  

ex. 4x≡3 (mod 18)
    gcd(4,18)=2∤3 -> no solution  

    4x≡6 (mod 18)
    gcd(4,18)=2|6 -> has solution  
    4x-6=18k k∈Z
    k=0 4x=6 no integer solution  
    k=1 4x=24 x=6  
    k=2 4x=42 no integer solution  
    k=3 4x=60 x=15  

    -> x≡6,15 (mod 18)

Proposition: suppose gcd(a,n)|b, then ax≡b (mod n) has gcd(a,n) distinct solutions separated by n/gcd(a,n)

proof: (existence)
       set d=gcd(a,n)
       sps xo is a solution to the linear congruence  
       consider xo+(n/d)k for k∈Z
       notice a[xo+(n/d)k] = axo+(a/d)(nk) ≡ axo (mod n)≡b (mod n) since a/d is natural number  
       -> xo is a solution to axo (mod n)
       -> xo+(n/d)k are solutions to ax≡b (mod n) and they are separated by n/d  

       (now prove it has gcd(a,n) distinct solutions)
       we know xo+(n/d)k is a solution
       Q: how many are incongurent?  

       sps xo+(n/d)k1 ≡ xo+(n/d)k2 (mod n)
       (xo+(n/d)k1 - xo+(n/d)k2) = (n/d)*(k1-k2) ≡ 0 (mod n) since n/d | n  
       -> d|k1-k2
       -> k1 ≡ k2 (mod d) ≡ k2 (mod gcd(a,n))
       -> these are gcd(a,n) incongruent solutions ■

Solve linear congurence

ex. 15x ≡20 (mod 25)
    1. gcd(15,25)=5|20 has solution  
    2. there are gcd(15,25)=5 solutions  
    3. they are separated by 25/5=5, one found all found  

    3*5x ≡4*5 (mod 5*5)
    -> 3x≡4 (mod 5)
    -> x=3 since 3*3≡4 (mod 5) <- (x+5)
    -> x≡3,8,13,18,23 (mod 5)

Inverse Modulo N

When can we find a,b∈Z ab≡1 (mod n)

ex. n=9, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 <- these are the residue modulo 9

    1*1 ≡ 1 mod 9 -> 1^(-1)≡1 mod 9  
    2*5 ≡ 1 mod 9 -> 2^(-1)≡5 mod 9 or 5^(-1)≡2 mod 9
    3*x ≢ 1 mod 9 for all x  
    4*7 ≡ 1 mod 9
    6*x ≢ 1 mod 9 for all x  
    8*8 ≡ 1 mod 9

Proposition: a∈Z is invertible modulo n iff gcd(a,n)=1

proof: (->) sps a is invertible mod n  
            there is b∈Z s.t. ab≡1 (mod n)
            -> n|ab-1 -> ab-1=nk for k∈Z
            -> ab-nk=1 = l*gcd(a,n)
            -> gcd(a,n)|1
            -> gcd(a,n)=1

       (<-) sps gcd(a,n)=1
            -> there are x,y∈Z s.t. ax+ny=1
            -> ax=1-ny
            -> ax≡1 (mod n) ■

Find all inverse pairs (mod 20)

to find prime relative to 20 <- gcd(a,n)=1

1*1 ≡1 (mod 20)
3*7 ≡1 (mod 20)

Find 34^(-1)(mod 43)

since gcd(34,143)=1
∃x,y∈Z s.t. 34x+143y=1  
use Euclidean Alg  
143 = 4*34 +7     7= 143 - 4*34
34  = 4*7  +6     6= 34 - 4*7
7   = 1*6  +1     1= 7 - 1*6  

-> 1 = 5*143 - 21*34
-> (-21)*34 = 1 - 5*143 ≡ 1 (mod 143)  
-> 34^(-1) ≡ -21 (mod 143)
-> 34^(-1) ≡ 122 (mod 143)

Strategies for solving ax≡b (mod n)

  • a is invertible modulo n iff gcd(a,n)=1 (gcd(a,n)=1 means ax+ny=1, ax≡1 mod n)
  • ca≡cb mod n iff a≡b mod(n/gcd(c,n))
  • ax≡b mod n has a solution iff gcd(a,n)|b
  • if ax≡b mod n has a solution, then there are gcd(a,n) solutions separated by n/gcd(a,n)

Solve 12x ≡ 16 (mod 32)

gcd(12,32)=4|16, so it has 4 solutions separated by 8

4*3x ≡ 4*4 (mod 4*8)
-> 3x ≡ 4 mod 8

since 3*3 ≡1 mod 8
3^(-1) ≡ 3 mod 8
3x ≡ 4 mod 8 left side *3^(-1) right side * 3
x ≡ 12 mod 8  
x ≡ 4 mod 8
x ≡ 4,12,20,28 mod 32

Solve 140x ≡ 56 (mod 252)

gcd(140,252)=28|56, so it has 28 solutions separatedby 252/28=9

28*5x ≡ 28*2 (mod 28*9)
-> 5x ≡ 2 (mod 9)

note 5*2 ≡ 10 (mod 9) ≡ 1 mod 9  
so 5^(-1) ≡ 2 (mod 9)
5x ≡ 2 (mod 9) left side *5^(-1) right side *2  
x ≡ 4 (mod 9)
x ≡ 4,13,22,31,40,49,... (mod 252)  

Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)

suppose n1,…,nk∈N w/ gcd(ni,nj)=1 (pair primes), and b1,…,bk∈Z, then the system (of linear congruences):

x≡b1 (mod n1)

x≡bk (mod nk)

has a unique solution modulo n1*n2*…*nk

proof: (existence)
       let N=n1\*n2*...\*nk and Ni=N/ni
       claim gcd(Ni,ni)=1
       sps d|ni and d|Ni
       since all of the nj are relatively prime
       we have d|nj for j≠i
       -> d|gcd(ni,nj)=1
       -> gcd(Ni,ni)=1

       let xi be s.t. Nixi ≡ 1 mod ni <- b/c gcd(Ni,ni)=1
                      Nixi ≡ 0 mod nj for i≠j <- b/c nj|Ni

       consider X = x1N1b1 + x2N2b2 + ...    + xkNkbk
                  ≡   0    +    0   + xiNibi +   0     mod ni
                X ≡ bi mod ni for 1≤i≤k
       the existence proved  

       sps that x,y are solutions  
       x ≡ bi mod ni
       y ≡ bi mod ni  for 1≤i≤k
       x-y ≡ 0 mod ni -> ni|x-y  
       since gcd(ni, nj)=1  n1*...*nk|x-y
       -> x ≡ y mod (n1*...*nk) ■

x ≡ 1 mod 3
x ≡ 2 mod 4
x ≡ 4 mod 5

set N=3*4*5=60  
    N1=4*5=20    N1x1≡ 1 mod 3   <- Nixi=1 mod ni
    N2=3*5=15    N2x2≡ 1 mod 4
    N3=3*4=12    N3x3≡ 1 mod 5

    20x1 ≡ 1 mod 3            ,15x2 ≡ 1 mod 4   ,12x3 ≡ 1 mod 5
    20 ≡ 2 mod 3               15 ≡ 3 mod 4      12 ≡ 2 mod 5     
    2x1 ≡ 1 mod 3              3x2 ≡ 1 mod 4     2x3 ≡ 1 mod 5
    2*2 ≡ 4 mod 3 ≡ 1 mod 3    3*3 ≡ 1 mod 4     2*3 ≡ 1 mod 5
    2^(-1)*2x1 ≡ 2 mod 3       x2 ≡ 3 mod 4      x3 ≡ 3 mod 5
    x1 ≡ 2 mod 3

    X = x1N1b1 + x2N2b2 + x3N3b3
      = 2*20*1 + 3*15*2 + 3*12*4
      = 214  

    X ≡ 214 mod 60 ≡ 34 mod 60  

4x ≡ 5 mod 9
2x ≡ 6 mod 20

gcd(4,9)=1 -> 4x ≡ 5 mod 9 has a unique solution  
28 ≡ 1 mod 9 -> 4*7 ≡ 1 mod 9 -> 4^(-1) ≡ 7 mod 9
4x ≡ 5 mod 9 -> x ≡ 35 mod 9 ≡ 8 mod 9  

2x ≡ 6 mod 20 -> 2x ≡ 2*3 mod 2*10 -> x ≡ 3 mod 10  

the original problem turns to
solve x ≡ 8 mod 9  
      x ≡ 3 mod 10  

N=9*10=90     Nixi ≡ 1 mod ni
N1=10         10x1 ≡ 1 mod 9   -> x1 ≡ 1 mod 9
N2=9           9x2 ≡ 1 mod 10  -> x2 ≡ 9 mod 10  <- 9*9 ≡ 1 mod 10

X = ΣxiNibi = 1*10*8+9*9*3 = 323  
X ≡ 323 mod 90 ≡ 53 mod 90  
-> x ≡ 53 mod (9*20) ≡ 53 mod 180 ≡ 143 mod 180

x ≡ 2 mod 4
x ≡ 1 mod 5
x ≡ 3 mod 9
x ≡ 7 mod 13

solution: X ≡ 1866 mod 2340  

x ≡ 3 mod 5
x ≡ 2 mod 6
x ≡ 1 mod 7

solution: X ≡ 848 mod 210 ≡ 8 mod 210

A Generalization of Chinese Remainder Theorem

CRT is a special case of the following:

The system given by
x ≡ a mod m
x ≡ b mod n
has a solution iff gcd(m,n)|a-b
(if exists) this solution is unique mod lcm(a,b)

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

Lemma 1: if p|ab then p|a or p|b (p-prime, a,b∈N)

proof: sps p∤a then gcd(a,p)=1
       so there exists x,y∈Z s.t. ax+py=1
       since p|ab, there is some d∈Z s.t. pd=ab  
       notice b(ax+py)=b
       -> abx + bpy = b
       -> pdx + bpy = b
       -> p(dx+by) = b
       -> p|b ■

Lemma 2: if p|a1*…*an then p|ai for some 1≤i≤n (p-prime)

proof: By Principle of Mathematical Induction (PMI)  
       base case (n=2): by Lemma 1  
                        p|a1a2 then p|a1 or p|a2 True  
       Hypothesis (IH): sps if p|a1*...*an then p|ai for some 1≤i≤n
                        sps p|a1*...*ak*a{k+1} then p|ai for some 1≤i≤n
                        by Lemma 1
                        p|a1*...*ak or p|a{k+1}
                        by IH
                        p|a1*...*ak means p|ai for 1≤i≤k
                        so p|ai or p|a{k+1}  
                        -> p|ai 1≤i≤k+1 ■

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

For all n≥2, we can write n=p1^(a1)*…*pk^(ak) where pi=distinct prime, ai∈N
and this is unique up to reordering

proof: (existence) (then uniqueness)
      by WOC (way of contradiction)  
      sps there is a natural number without such a representation  
      let m be the smallest such number  
      observe that m must be composite (since prime follows the form)
      we write m=ab where 1<a,b<m  
      since a,b< and ≠m, we can write a,b in the given form !contradiction!
      hence m=p1^(a1)*...*pk^(ak)

      sps p1^(a1)*...*pk^(ak)=q1^(b1)*...*ql^(bl)  
      note pi|LHS for all i  
      so pi|RHS for all i
      i.e. pi|q1^(b1)*...*ql^(bl)  
      -> pi|qr^(br) for some r  
      -> pi|qr
      since pi and qr both primes  
      -> pi=qr  
      it follows that k=l and pi=qr for some r  
      after reordering, renaming (pi=qi)
      -> p1^(a1)*...*pk^(ak)=qk^(bk)*...*qk^(bk)

      by WOC, sps ai≠bi: ai>bi  
      both sides divide by p^(bi)
      -> p1^(a1)*...*p{i-1}^a{i-1}*pi^(ai-bi)*p{i+1}^a{i+1}*...*pk^(ak) LHS
      -> p1^(b1)*...*p{i-1}^b{i-1}*p{i+1}^a{i+1}*...*pk^(ak) RHS
      note pi|LHS
      -> pi|RHS  
      -> pi|pj for i≠j !contradiction!
      -> ai=bi uniqueness proved ■

There are infinitely many primes of the form 4n+3 for n∈Z

Proposition: there are infinitely many primes of the form 4n+3 for n∈Z

proof: by WOC, sps there are finitely many such primes  
      p0=3, p1,...,pr  (r+1 different primes)
      consider N=4p1*...*pr+3  
      note that N is odd
      so its prime factorization is made of primes of the form 4n+1, 4n+3

      claim: at least one of those primes is of the form 4n+3  
      proof: (by WOC) sps all of its primes are 4n+1 type  
            note (4n+1)(4m+1)=4(4mn+m+n)+1 !contradiction!
      so one of p0,p1,...,pr divides N

      case 1: p0=3|N -> 3|N-3 -> 3|4p1*...*pr
      -> 3|4 or 3|pi 1≤i≤r both impossible
      case 2: pi|N -> pi|N-4p1*...*pr -> pi|3
      -> pi=1 or pi=3
      1 is not prime and pi≠3 !contradiction! ■

Hansel’s Lemma

Given prime p, e≥2, and f(x)∈Z[x] <- a polynomial with integer coefficients
if a is a solution to f(x)≡0 (mod p^(e-1)), and if gcd(p,f’(a))=1
there is a solution to f(x)≡0 (mod p^(e)) of the form b=a+kp^(e-1)
where k satisfies
f(a)/p^(e-1)+kf’(a)≡0 (mod p^(e))

proof: "a is a solution to f(x)≡0 (mod p^(e-1))" gives  
      f(a)≡0 (mod p^(e-1))
      -> p^(e-1)|f(a)
      -> f(a)/p^(e-1)∈Z

      "if gcd(p,f'(a))=1" gives
      the linear congurence f'(a)y≡ -f(a)/p^(e-1) mod p has a unique solution call it k
      -> f'(a)k≡ -f(a)/p^(e-1) mod p

      set b=a+kp^(e-1), f(x)= Σ_n cix^i (i from 1)

      f(b) = Σ_n ci(a+kp^(e-1))^i (i from 0?)
           = Σ_n ci(a^i + ia^(i-1)kp^(e-1) + p^2(e-1)(more))
                                             ≡0 mod p^e
           = Σ_n cia^i + kp^(e-1)Σ_n icia^(i-1)
               f(a)    +      kp^(e-1)f'(a)

      f'(a)k≡ -f(a)/p^(e-1) mod p both sides multiply by p^(e-1)
      -> p^(e-1)f'(a)k≡ -f(a) mod p^e
      put the above into f(b)
      -> f(b)=f(a)-f(a)≡0 mod p^e ■

Lagrange’s Theorem for Polynomials

if p is prime, and f(x)∈Z[x] of degree d≥1
there are at most d congruece classes of solutions to
f(x) ≡ 0 mod p <- polynomial congruence

Polynomial Congruence

Proposition: let n1,…,nk∈N be mutually co-prime
and sps f(x) ≡ 0 mod ni has Ni solutions,
then f(x) ≡ 0 mod ni*…*nk has N1*…*Nk solutions

proof and exs

Fermat’s Little Theorem (FLT)

For a prime p and a∈Z w/ p∤a, we have a^(p-1) ≡ 1 mod p

i.e. If gcd(a,p)=1, then a^(p-1) ≡ 1 mod p

proof and exs

Corollary: for all a∈Z a^p ≡ a mod p

Lemma: if p and q are distinct primes s.t. p|a and q|a then pq|a

Lemma: if a ≡ b mod p and a ≡ b mod q, then a ≡ b mod pq

Proposition: for all distinct primes p,q, p^q+q^p ≡ p+q mod pq

Fermat Psuedoprime Number

Def: we say that n is a base a psuedoprime if a^(n-1) ≡ 1 mod n

Wilson’s Theorem

If p is a prime, then (p-1)! ≡ -1 mod p

Lemma: if a^2 ≡ 1 mod p then a ≡ 1 mod p or a ≡ 1 mod p



Corollary: (p-2)! ≡ 1 mod p

Proposition: let n>1, then n is prime iff (n-2)! ≡ 1 mod n <- classification of primes

Euler’s Totient Function (ETF)

ETF counts the positive integers up to a given integer n that are relatively prime (rel-pri) to n
Def: φ: N->N, φ(n)=#{1≤m≤n | gcd(m,n)=1} = |Un|

#{} - number of elements of this set
Un - group of units modulo n (from Abstract Algebra)

Proposition: for a prime p, we have φ(p)=p-1

Proposition: for a prime p, we have φ(p^r)=p^r-p^(r-1) <- powers of primes

Proposition: if gcd(m,n)=1, then φ(mn)=φ(m)φ(n) <- multiplicativity

Theorem: if n=p1^r1*…*pk^rk, then φ(n)=n(1-1/p1)*…*(1-1/pk)

Euler’s Theorem

Recall Euler’s Totient function: φ(n)=#{1≤m≤n | gcd(m,n)=1} <- also called Euler’s φ function
if gcd(a,n)=1 then a^(φ(n)) ≡ 1 mod n

Euler’s Theorem is a generalization of Fermat’s Little Theorem
Recall FLT: if gcd(a,p)=1, a^(p-1) ≡ 1 mod p

Corollary: if gcd(a,n)=1, then a^(-1) ≡ a^(φ(n)-1) mod n <- used for solving linear congruence

Order of A Modulo N

Def: the order of a modulo n is the least m∈N s.t. a^m ≡ 1 mod n
we write ord_n a = m, i.e. a^(ord_n a) ≡ 1 mod n

Familiar to Euler’s Theorem: if gcd(a,n)=1 then a^(φ(n)) ≡ 1 mod n

ex. n=5 find the order of a modulo n
    gcd(a,5)=1       if gcd(a,5)≠1
    -> a∈{1,2,3,4}   -> a=0 or 5   0^n ≡ 0 mod 5 and 5^n ≡ 0 mod 5 <- not interesting

    take a=1, 1^n ≡ 1 mod 5
    take a=2, 2^1=2
              2^4=16 ≡ 1 mod 5 ✓

    so ord_5 2 = 4  

    take a=3, 3^1=3
              3^2=9 ≡ -1 mod 5
              3^4=81 ≡ 1 mod 5 ✓

    so ord_5 3 = 4

    take a=4, 4^1
              4^2=2^4=16 ≡ 1 mod 5 ✓

    so ord_5 4 = 2

proposition: a^k ≡ 1 mod n <=> ord_n a | k

proof: (=>) sps that a^k ≡ 1 mod n
       use division Alg with k and ord_n a (ord a in short)
       k=(ord a)q+r w/ 0≤r<ord a

       a^k ≡ 1 mod n
       -> a^((ord a)q+r) = (a^(ord a))^q*a^r
       since a^(ord a)≡1 mod n
       -> a^r ≡ 1 mod n
       however, 0≤r<ord a  
       ord a is the smallest a^m ≡1 mod n by definition
       -> r=0  
       -> ord a | k since k=(ord a)q+r

       (<=) ord a | k
       -> k=(ord a)*b for b∈N  
       -> a^k = a^[(ord a)*b] = (a^(ord a))^b
       since a^(ord a)≡1 mod n  
       -> a^k ≡1 mod n ■

important corollary: ord_n a | φ(n)

proof: by Euler's Theorem  
       a^(φ(n)) ≡ 1 mod n  
       apply the previous propostion: a^k ≡ 1 mod n <=> ord_n a | k
       replace k with φ(n)
       -> ord_n a | φ(n) ■

ex. ord_7 2 = ?
   possible orders are divisors of φ(7) = 6
   i.e. {1,2,3,6}

   take a=2, 2^1=2
             2^3=8 ≡1 mod 7

   so ord_7 2 = 3

ex. ord_30 7 = ?
   possible orders are divisors of φ(30)=8
   i.e. {1,2,4,8}

   take a=7, 7^1
             7^2=49 ≡-1 mod 30
             7^4≡ 1 mod 30

   so ord_30 7 = 4

proposition: if gcd(a,n)=1, a^k ≡ a^l (mod n) <=> k ≡ l (mod ord_n a) <- like taking log

proof: (=>) assume k≥l <- make sure there is no negative exponents  
      a^l * a^(k-l) = a^k ≡ a^l (mod n)
      observe gcd(a^l,n)=1, since gcd(a,n)=1
      -> we can cancel a^l  
      -> a^(k-l) ≡ 1 mod n  
      -> ord a | k-l, since ord a is the smallest m s.t. a^m ≡ 1 mod n  
      -> k ≡ l (mod ord a)

      (<=) sps k ≡ l (mod ord_n a)
      -> ord a | k-l
      -> k-l=b(ord a) for b∈Z
      -> a^(k-l) = (a^(ord a))^b ≡ 1 mod n
      multiply both sides by a^l  
      -> a^k ≡ a^l mod n ■

Primitive Roots Modulo N

Def: we say r is a primitive root modulo n if ord_n r=φ(n)

=> {1,r,r^2,…,r^(φ(n)-1)}=Un

ex. n=13 find primitive root mod n  
    possible orders are divisors of 12
    i.e. {1,2,3,4,6,12}
    possible roots are gcd(r,13)=1  
    i.e. {1,2,...,13}

    take r=1, ord_13 1 = 1 ≠ φ(13)
    take r=2, ord_13 2 = ?
              2^12≡1 mod 13
              so ord_13 2 = φ(13) = 12
              so 2 is the primitive root modulo 13

ex. n=8 find primitive root mod n
    possible orders are {1,2,4}
    possible roots are gcd(r,8)=1
    i.e. {1,3,5,7} which are rel-pri to 8  

    take r=1, ord_8 1 = 1
    take r=3, ord_8 3 = 2 ≠ φ(8)
              3^2 ≡1 mod 8 ✓
              3^4 ≡1 mod 8
    take r=5, ord_8 5 = 2 ≠ φ(8)
              5^2 ≡1 mod 8 ✓
              5^4 ≡1 mod 8
    take r=7, ord_8 7 = 2 ≠ φ(8)
              7^2 ≡1 mod 8 ✓
              7^4 ≡1 mod 8

    so no primitive roots mod 8  

proposition: if gcd(a,n)=1, ord_n a = ord_n a / gcd(k,ord_n a)

proof: set d=gcd(k,ord a)    (ord_n a reads order of a mod n, in short ord a)
       observe k/d, ord a/d ∈ N
       -> (a^k)^(ord a/d) = (a^ord a)^(k/d) = 1^(k/d) ≡ 1 mod n  
       by a^k ≡ 1 mod n <=> ord a | k
       -> ord (a^k) | (ord a)/d (1) (replace a with a^k)
       a^(k*ord a^k)=(a^k)^(ord a^k) ≡ 1 mod n
       by a^k ≡ 1 mod n <=> ord a | k again
       -> ord a | k*(ord a^k)
       both sides divides by d
       -> (ord a)/d | (k/d)*(ord a^k) (2)
       -> (ord a)/d | (ord a^k) (3)
       (1)+(3) -> ord (a^k) = (ord a)/d = ord a / gcd(k,ord a) ■

corollary: if there is a primitive root modulo n, then there are exactly φ(φ(n)) primitive roots modulo n

proof: let r be a primitive root mod n
      -> ord r = φ(n)
      then any other primitive root is from
      {1, r, r^2, r^3, ..., r^(φ(n)-1)}  <- ele rel-pri to n
      so any other primitive root is of the form  
      r^k w/ 0<k<φ(n) <- 1 is not a primitive root so k!=0
      ord r^k = ord r/ gcd(k, ord r) = φ(n) / gcd(k,  φ(n)) = φ(n)
      -> gcd(k, φ(n))=1
      -> there are exactly φ(φ(n)) such numbers  
      since by definition of φ(n)= #{1≤m≤n | gcd(m,n)=1} ■

ex. find all primitive roots from n=7  
    possible orders are {1,2,3,6}
    possible roots are {1,2,3,4,5,6}
    ord 2 = 3 ≠ φ(7)
    2^3=8 ≡ 1 mod 7
    2^6=64 ≡ 1 mod 7
    ord 3 = 6 = φ(7)
    3^6 ≡ 1 mod 7
    so 3 is a primitive root mod 7  
    there are φ(φ(7))=2 primitive roots have the form of
    3^k where gcd(k,φ(7))=1
    -> k=1,5 < 6
    3^5≡ 5 mod 7  
    so the primitive roots are 3 and 5 from {1,2,3✓,4,5✓,6}

ex. find all primitive roots modulo 22  
    possible orders {1,2,5,10}
    possible roots {1,3,5,7,9,13,15,17,19,21} <- gcd(r,22)=1

    take r=3, 3^5≡1 mod 22
    ord 3 = 5 ≠ φ(22)
    take r=5, 5^5≡1 mod 22
    ord 5 = 5 ≠ φ(22)
    take r=7, 7^10≡1 mod 22
    ord 7 = 10 = φ(22)
    so 7 is a primitive root mod 22  
    there are φ(φ(22))=4 primitive roots  
    they are 7^k w/ gcd(k,φ(22))=1
    -> primitive roots are {7^1,7^3,7^7,7^9}
                                ≡13 ≡17 ≡19
    -> primitive roots are {7,13,17,19} from {1,3,5,7✓,9,13✓,15,17✓,19✓,21}

proposition: let p be a prime and d∈N, s.t. d|p-1
then (x^d)-1 ≡ 0 mod p has exactly d incongruent solutions mod p

proof: recall Lagrange’s Theorem for Polynomials
      (x^d)-1 has at most d incongruent solutions  
      write p-1=de since d|p-1 for e∈N  
      x^(p-1)-1 = x^de - 1 = (x^d)^e - 1 = (x^d - 1)(x^d(e-1)+...+x^d+1)
      note by FLT x^(p-1)≡ 0 mod p has exactly p-1 solusions eg.{1,2,...,p-1}
      x^(p-1)-1 = (x^d - 1)(x^d(e-1)+...+x^d+1)
      has p-1 solus         at most d(e-1) solus mod p  
      -> (x^d - 1) has at least p-1-d(e-1)=d solutions  
      recall (x^d)-1 has at most d incongruent solutions
      -> (x^d)-1 ≡ 0 mod p has exactly d incongruent solutions mod p ■

Gauss’ Theorem

Let n∈N, then Σ_{d>0 and d|n} φ(d)=n

ex. n=6
    Σ_d φ(d) = φ(1)+φ(2)+φ(3)+φ(6) = 6

proof: let d|n  
      consider the following set
      Sd={m∈Z | 1≤m≤n, gcd(m,n)=d}
        ={m∈Z | 1≤m≤n, gcd(m/d,n/d)=1}
        ={k∈Z | 1≤k≤n/d, gcd(k,n/d)=1}

      φ(n/d)=#Sd by definition of φ(n)

      claim (1): {1,2,...,n} = ∪_{d|n} Sd <- union of all Sd with d|n  
      ex. n=6, d={1,2,3,6}
      sd_{d=1}={m∈Z | 1≤m≤6, gcd(m,6)=1}={1,5}
      sd_{d=2}={m∈Z | 1≤m≤6, gcd(m,6)=2}={2,4}
      sd_{d=3}={m∈Z | 1≤m≤6, gcd(m,6)=3}={3}
      sd_{d=6}={m∈Z | 1≤m≤6, gcd(m,6)=6}={6}

      claim (2): Sd ∩ Sd'= ∅ if d ≠ d'

      (1)+(2)-> n= Σ_{d|n} #Sd =  Σ_{d|n} φ(n/d)

      note d|n -> de=n -> d=n/e for some e|n for e∈N
      -> {d| d|n} = {n/d | d|n}
      -> n= Σ_{d|n} φ(d) ■

There is a primitive root modulo every prime

<=> every prime has a primitive root
<=> ∃x∈N s.t. ord_p x = p-1 = φ(p)

To prove this, we fisrt prove a theorem and a corollary

Theorem: Let p be a prime and d|p-1, d∈N
then there are exactly φ(d) incongruent integers w/ order d modulo p

i.e. if p is prime and d|p-1, d∈N, φ(d)=#{1≤m≤p-1 | ord_p m=d}

proof: let f(d)=#{1≤m≤p-1 \| ord_p m=d}  
       by FLT m^(p-1) ≡ 1 mod p  
       and by a^k≡1 mod n iff ord_n a|k
       -> ord_p m | p-1  

       claim: Σ_{d|p-1} f(d) = p-1  
       left and right are two ways of counting numbers between 1 and p-1  
       left is counting in sets  

       by Gauss' Theorem
       Σ_{d|p-1} φ(d) = p-1  

       -> Σ_{d|p-1} φ(d) = Σ_{d|p-1} f(d)

       claim: f(d) ≤ φ(d)
       if f(d)=0, we are done  
       assume f(d)>0
       then there is an element a of order d (ord a = d)
       or we can find all elements a of oder d  

       consider: 1, a, a^2, ..., a^(d-1)  
       each of these is an incongruent solution of (x^d)-1 ≡ 0 mod p

       recall ord a^k = ord a/ gcd(k, ord a)= d/gcd(k,d)=d
       -> gcd(k,d)=1
       -> there are φ(d) integers of order d  

       there are two cases:  φ(d)=0 not possible
                             φ(d)=f(d) ■

ex. find all incongruent integers of order 6 mod 19  
    i.e. find all a s.t. ord_19 a =6  

Corollary: there are exactly φ(p-1) incongruent integers of order p-1 modulo p

i.e. ord_p x=p-1, with #x=φ(p-1)

with Theorem+Corollary, we have the conclusion that every prime has a primitive root

Product of Primitive Roots mod p

Proposition: if a and b are primitive roots mode p
then ab is not a primitive root mod p

ex. 3 and 5 are primitive root mod 7, but 15 isn't  
    ord_7 3 = φ(7) = 6
    ord_7 5 = φ(7) = 6
    ord_7 15 = 1 ≠ φ(7)

Classifying numbers have primitive roots or not

proposition: for n≥3, there are no primitive roots mod 2^n

proof: by induction
       base case n=3, there is no primitive roots mod 8  

proposition: if m,n>2 w/ gcd(m,n)=1
then there are no primitive root modulo mn

Lemma: there is a primitive root a mod p s.t. a^(p-1) ≢ 1 mod p^2, p is a prime

Lemma: let p be an odd prime, a be a primitive root modulo p s.t. a^(p-1) ≢ 1 mod p^2
then a^[(p^(n-2))*(p-1)] ≢ 1 mod p^n ∀n≥2

proposition: let p be an odd prime, then there is a primitive root mod p^n for all n≥1

proposition: let p be an odd prime, n∈N, then there is a primitive root mod 2p^n

Theorem: there is a primitive root mod n iff n∈{1,2,4}∪{p^m| m∈N}∪{2p^m| m∈N}, where p is an odd prime


ex. find a primitive root mod 5^n for n∈N

ex. find a primitive root mod 2*5^n for n∈N

ex. find all primitive root mod 54  

Index Modulo N / the Discrete Logarithm

Def: let r be a primitive root modulo n and gcd(a,n)=1
then Ir(a) = the least m∈N s.t. r^m ≡ a mod n
i.e. r^(Ir(a)) ≡ a mod n

ex. recall 3 is a primitive root mod 7  
    ord_7 3 = φ(7) = 6

    3^1=3     I3(3)=1
    3^2≡2     I3(2)=2
    3^3≡6≡-1  I3(6)=3
    3^4≡4     I3(4)=4
    3^5≡5≡-2  I3(5)=5
    3^6≡1     I3(1)=6

ex. recall 2 is a primitive root mod 9  

    2^1≡2   I2(2)=1
    2^2≡4   I2(4)=2
    2^3≡8   I2(8)=3
    2^4≡7   I2(7)=3
    2^5≡5   I2(5)=5
    2^6≡1   I2(1)=6

Index Modulo N rules

proposition: let r be a primitive root modulo n and gcd(a,n)=1, gcd(b,n)=1 then

1. Ir(1)≡0 mod φ(n)
2. Ir(r)≡1 mod φ(n)
3. Ir(ab)≡Ir(a)+Ir(b) mod φ(n)
4. Ir(a^m)≡mIr(a) mod φ(n)

proof 1: r^Ir(1) ≡1 mod n  
         r^Ir(1) ≡r^0 mod n
         by a^k ≡ a^l mod n iff k ≡ l mod ord_n a
         Ir(1) ≡ 0 mod ord_n r
         ord_n r=φ(n)
         -> Ir(1) ≡ 0 mod φ(n)

proof 2: r^Ir(r) ≡ r mod n
         r^Ir(r) ≡ r^1 mod n
         by a^k ≡ a^l mod n iff k ≡ l mod ord_n a
         Ir(r) ≡ 1 mod φ(n)

proof 3: r^Ir(a) ≡ a mod n  
         r^Ir(b) ≡ b mod n  
         r^(Ir(a)+Ir(b)) ≡ ab mod n ≡ r^Ir(ab) mod n
         by a^k ≡ a^l mod n iff k ≡ l mod ord_n a
         Ir(a)+Ir(b) ≡ Ir(ab) mod φ(n)

proof 4: r^Ir(a^m) ≡ a^m mod n
         r^[mIr(a)] ≡ [r^Ir(a)]^m ≡ a^m mod n  
         Ir(a^m) ≡ mIr(a) mod φ(n)

Solve 2x^5 ≡ 6 mod 7

Solve 4x^7 ≡ 2 mod 9

Existence of an m-th Root Modulo N

Theorem: suppose there is a primitive root modulo n, and gcd(a,n)=1
then x^m ≡ a mod n has a solution iff
a^(φ(n)/d) ≡ 1 mod n, where d=gcd(m,φ(n))
Futher, if there is a solution there are exactly d solutions

Exponential Congruences

Solve 17^x ≡ 10 mod 27

When is there a solution to ax^5 ≡ 9 mod 11

Solve 9^x ≡ 10 mod 13

Solve 11^x ≡ 17 mod 18

When is there a solution to 5^x ≡ a mod 19

Quadratic Residue

Def: let a,n∈Z with n>0 and gcd(a,n)=1
then a is said to be a quadratic residue modulo n
if x^2 ≡ a mod n is solvable
otherwise, it’s a quadratic non-residue

ex. n=7, gcd(x,7)=1, x=1,2,3,4,5,6
    1^2≡1 mod 7
    ------ mirror

    so 1,2,4 are quadratic residues mod 7
    3,5,6 are quadratic non-residues mod 7

ex. n=8, gcd(x,8)=1, x=1,3,5,7
    1^2≡ 1 mod 8
    3^2≡ 1 mod 8
    5^2≡ 1 mod 8
    7^2≡ 1 mod 8

    so 1 is the only quad-residue mod 8
    3,5,7 are quad-nonresidue mod 8

proposition: sps p is an odd prime w/ p∤a
then x^2 ≡ a mod p has exactly 0 or 2 solutions

proposition: let p be an odd prime
then there are exactly (p-1)/2 incongruent quad residues and nonresidues mod p

A General Quadratic Formula mod p

sps p is an odd prime w/ p∤a
solve ax^2+bx+c ≡ 0 mod p

ax^2+bx ≡ -c mod p

4a^2x^2+4abx ≡ -4ac mod p  <-multiply 4a both sides  

4a^2x^2+4abx+b^2 ≡ -4ac+b^2 mod p  <-plus b^2 both sides

(2ax+b)^2 ≡ b^2-4ac mod p  <- factor lhs  

this has a solution iff b^2-4ac is a quad-residue or p|b^2-4ac

The Legendre Symbol

 a      1  if a is a quad-r mod p
(-) = {
 p     -1  if a is a quad-nonr mod p  

ex. p=7

    (1/7)=1    1^2≡1 mod 7  
    (2/7)=1    2^2≡4 mod 7  
    (3/7)=-1   3^2≡2 mod 7  
    (4/7)=1    4^2≡2 mod 7  
    (5/7)=-1   5^2≡4 mod 7  
    (6/7)=-1   6^2≡1 mod 7  

Euler’s Criterion

Theorem: we have (a/p) ≡ a^[(p-1)/2] mod p

The Legendre Symbol Property

proposition: let p be an odd prime w/ p∤a p∤b

  1. (a^2/p)=1
  2. (a/p)=(b/p) if a≡b mod p
  3. (ab/p)=(a/p)(b/p)

√-1 mod p <=> x^2 ≡ -1 mod p

Theorem: let p be an odd prime
then -1 is a quad-r mod p iff p ≡ 1 mod 4

i.e. x^2 ≡ -1 mod p

Gauss’ Lemma

Let p be an odd prime, p∤a
let n = the number of least positive residues of a,2a,3a,…,(p-1)a/2
that are greater than p/2
then (a/p)=(-1)^n

√2 mod p <=> x^2 ≡ 2 mod p

Theorem: let p be an odd prime
then 2 is a quad-residue mod p iff
p ≡ 1 mod 8 or p ≡ 7 mod 8 iff
(p^2-1)/8 ≡ 0 mod 2

i.e. x^2 ≡ 2 mod p

There are infinitely many primes of the form 4n+1

Theorem: There are infinitely many primes of the form 4n+1

Quadratic Reciprocity

Theorem: let p and q be distinct odd primes

                   (p-1) (q-1)
      p  q         ----- -----     1  if p or q ≡ 1 mod 4
then (-)(-) = (-1)^  2     2   = {
      q  p                        -1  if p ≡ q ≡ 3 mod 4

Lemma: p = odd prime, p∤a, a=odd

   (p-1)/2    ja
N =   Σ     ⌊ --- ⌋
     j=1       p

then (a/p)=(-1)^N

ex. (31/103)

ex. (139/433)

ex. (523/1103)  

Is there a solution to x^2 ≡ 1247 mod 1481

√3 mod p <=> x^2 ≡ 3 mod p

For what primes p is there a solution to x^2 ≡ 3 mod p?

i.e. what p is (3/p)=1 ?

√5 mod p <=> x^2 ≡ 5 mod p

For what primes p is there a solution to x^2 ≡ 5 mod p?

i.e. what p is (5/p)=1 ?

Quadratic Residue Summary

 a      1  if ∃ a solution to x^2 ≡ a mod p
(-) = {
 p     -1  otherwise  

 -1      1  if p ≡ 1 mod 4
(--) = {
 p      -1  if p ≡ 3 mod 4  

 2      1  if p ≡ 1,7 mod 8
(-) = {
 p     -1  if p ≡ 3,5 mod 8

 p      (q/p)  if p or q ≡ 1 mod 4
(-) = {
 q      -(q/p)  if p ≡ q ≡ 3 mod 4  

 a  b     ab
(-)(-) = (--)
 p  p     p

                     r     s
if r ≡ s mod p then (-) = (-)
                     p     p

Rational Points on the Unit Circle

No Rational Points on x^2+y^2=7

There are infinitely many primes of the form 3n+1 ≡ 1 mod 3

A Few Nonlinear Diophantine Equations with no Solutions

proposition: 3x^2+2=y^2 has no solution w/ x,y∈N

proposition: 7x^2+2=y^3 has no solution w/ x,y∈N

A very Special Case of Fermat’s Last Theorem

x^4+y^4=z^4 has no solution w/ x,y,z∈N

i.e. x^4+y^4≠z^4

Sum of Squares

Q: when can n∈N be expressed as a sum of two squares?

i.e. ∃ x,y∈N s.t. x^2+y^2=n

Proposition: if m,n∈N are expressible as a sum of two squares
then so is mn

Proposition: if n ≡ 3 mod 4, then n is not expressible as a sum of two squares

Proposition: if p is a prime with p ≢ 3 mod 4, then ∃ x,y∈N w/ x^2+y^2=p

Lemma: if p ≡ 1 mod 4, then ∃ x,y∈N s.t. x^2+y^2=kp w/ 0<k<p

Theorem: let n∈N then n is expressible as a sum of two square integers iff
every prime factor ≡ 3 mod 4 appears w/ an even power

Fact: (x^2+y^2)(z^2+w^2)=(xz+yw)^2+(xw-yz)^2

Theorem: let N∈N, then N is expressible as a sum of three square integers iff
N ≠ 4^m(8n+7) for m,n∈N

Theorem: every n∈N can be written as a sum of four squares

Lemma1: for all primes p, ∃ a,b,c∈N not all zero s.t. a^2+b^2+c^2 ≡ 0 mod p

Lemma2: if m and n are expressible as a sum of four squares, so is mn

A General Strategy for Proving There are infinitely many primes ≡b mod a

There are infinitely many primes ≡b mod a

i.e. There are infinitely many primes of the form an+b (if gcd(a,b)=1)

  1. assume p1,…,pk is a complete list of all finite primes
  2. form a polynomial f(x) which has been evaluated f(Op1*…*pk)=N, O is some number, that N cannot be divisible by pi
  3. assume a new prime p|N, note f(x)≡0 mod p has a solution
  4. show this p ≡b mod a that contradicts the assumption

Floor and Ceiling Function

The floor function is the function that takes as input a real number x, and gives as output the greatest integer less than or equal to x, denoted floor(x) or ⌊x⌋

The ceiling function maps x to the least integer greater than or equal to x, denoted ceil(x) or ⌈x⌉

ex. ⌊2.4⌋ = 2
    ⌊−2.4⌋ = −3
    ⌈2.4⌉ = 3
    ⌈−2.4⌉ = −2

gcd as Linear Combination

Proposition: sps a,b∈N, then there exists x,y∈Z s.t. ax+by=gcd(a,b)

Geometric Series

                     ∞         a
a+ar+ar^2+ar^3+... = Σ ar^k = ---   w/ |r|<1
                    k=0       1-r

Well Ordering Principle / Archimedean Principle?

Every non-empty subset of natural numbers contains a smallest element


∈ ∉ ∀ ∃ ≤ ≥ ≠ ∅ Σ Π π ∞ ⊆ ∤ ± ≅ ≡ ≢ ✓ ∪ ∩ √ ⌊ ⌋ ⌈ ⌉

i.e.: in other words
e.g.: for example
ex.: example
sps: suppose
■: end of proof
-> <-: implies instead of => <=
{}: under label
gcd(): greatest common divisor ex. gcd(5,10)=5 gcd(24,36)=12
lcm(): least common multiple ex. lcm(36,12)=36 lcm(18,12)=36
w/: with
w/o: without
b/c: because
equv: equivalent to
both x and * are multiply operator, when x is a variable use *
#{}: number of elements of this set
rel-pri: relatively prime to




6 / 2 = 3 means 6 divided by 2 b / a = n (i.e. n x a = b) means a divides b

congruent to: equivalence of geometric shapes and size

modulo returns the remainder or signed remainder of a division

-11 mod 7 = 3 b/c -11=7x(-2)+3
-1 mod 7 = 6 b/c -1=7x(-1)+6

For a positive integer n, two integers a and b are said to be congruent modulo n (or a is congruent to b modulo n), if a and b have the same remainder when divided by n (or equivalently if a − b is divisible by n ). It can be expressed as a ≡ b mod n. n is called the modulus

incongurent means after being divided by the same number their remainders are different

composite number: a positive integer that can be formed by multiplying two smaller positive integers, i.e. numbers are not primes


Micheal Penn’s Youtube Channel