As activation function
is usually placed at the output layer of a nn
the equation is a normalized explonential function
softmax(f_yi) = -----------
∑j exp(f_yj)
basically, softmax squashes a vector of size K between 0 to 1 and its sum is 1
then the output of the softmax can be interpreted as probabilities, so that softmax improves the interpretability of the nn
Negative Log-Likelihood (NLL)
in practice, the softmax function is used in tandem with the NLL
L(y) = -log(y)
this is summed for all the correct classes
with more correct classifications NLL becomes low
input Softmax
pixels output NLL
cat dog horse
cat 0.71 0.26 0.04 -ln(0.71)=0.34
horse 0.02 0.0 0.98 -ln(0.98)=0.02
dog 0.49 0.49 0.02 -ln(0.49)=0.71