

A heap is a specialized tree-based data structure which is essentially an almost complete tree that satisfies the heap property:
In a max heap, for any given node C, if P is a parent node of C, then the key (the value) of P is greater than or equal to the key of C.
In a min heap, the key of P is less than or equal to the key of C.
The node at the “top” of the heap (with no parents) is called the root node.

More specifically, Binary Heap is a complete binary tree, in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible.
A Binary Heap is a complete binary tree where items are stored in a special order such that value in a parent node is greater (or smaller) than the values in its two children nodes. The former is called max heap and the latter is min heap.
The heap can be represented by binary tree or array.

However, a heap is not a sorted structure, it can be regarded as being partially ordered.
A heap is a useful data structure when it is necessary to repeatedly remove the object with the highest (or lowest) priority.

When a heap is a complete binary tree, it has a smallest possible height—a heap with N nodes and for each node a branches always has logaN height.

Min Heap Example:

          2 <- root is always the minimum/maximum value
        /   \
       4      8
      / \    / \
     9   7  10  9
    / \   \
   15 20  13

Max Heap Example:

        100 <- root is always the minimum/maximum value
       /   \
      19    36
     / \    / \
    17  3  25  1
   / \   
  2   7  

Relation with priority queue: see priority queue
The heap is one maximally efficient implementation of an abstract data type called a priority queue, and in fact, priority queues are often referred to as “heaps”, regardless of how they may be implemented.

Points to Note

take min heap


  1. always insert the element at the bottom, at the rightmost spot so as to maintain the complete tree property
  2. fix the tree by swapping the new ele with its parent until we find an approprioate spot for the ele
    essentialy bubble up the minimum ele

Extract min

  1. min always at the root
  2. the deletion is the trick remove the min and swap it with the last ele , then bubble down this ele, swapping it with one of its children until the min heap property is restored



  1. insert() - TO(logn)
  2. extract_min() - TO(logn)

Python heapq see python built-in #heapq

Array based - space efficient
Assume idx starts at 0:
i - where the parent node is stored at
2*i+1 - left child
2*i+2 - right child

i, 2*i+1, 2*i+2
0    1      2
1    3      4
2    5      6
3    7      8

    /     \
  2[1]   3[2]
  /   \     /
5[3] 6[4] 4[5]
import heapq

>>[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4]
   p  lc rc


  • Priority Queue:

A priority queue is an abstract concept like “a list” or “a map”; just as a list can be implemented with a linked list or an array, a priority queue can be implemented with a heap or a variety of other methods.

  • Heapsort:

One of the best sorting methods being in-place and with no quadratic worst-case scenarios.

  • Selection algorithms:

A heap allows access to the min or max element in constant time, and other selections (such as median or kth-element) can be done in sub-linear time on data that is in a heap.

  • Graph algorithms:

By using heaps as internal traversal data structures, run time will be reduced by polynomial order. Examples of such problems are Prim’s minimal-spanning-tree algorithm and Dijkstra’s shortest-path algorithm.

  • K-way merge:

A heap data structure is useful to merge many already-sorted input streams into a single sorted output stream. Examples of the need for merging include external sorting and streaming results from distributed data such as a log structured merge tree. The inner loop is obtaining the min element, replacing with the next element for the corresponding input stream, then doing a sift-down heap operation. (Alternatively the replace function.) (Using extract-max and insert functions of a priority queue are much less efficient.)

  • Order statistics:

The Heap data structure can be used to efficiently find the kth smallest (or largest) element in an array.

Heap Sort

Heapify procedure can be applied to a node only if its children are heapified. So the heapification must be performed in the bottom up order.

Input: [4,5,3,1,10]

   /   \
  5[1]  3[2]
 /   \
1[3]  10[4]

Applying heapify to index 1

  /   \
 10[1]  3[2]
 /   \
1[3]  5[4]

Applyting heapify to index 0

  /   \
 5[1]  3[2]
 /   \
1[3]  4[4]
def heapify(nums,n,i):
    #n - size of the heap
    #i - the idx of subtree rooted at
    largest=i #initialize the largest as the root

    #check left exist and if greater than root
    if l<n and nums[l]>nums[i]:

    if r<n and nums[r]>nums[largest]:

    #swap if l or r larger than root
    if largest!=i:
        #recursively heapify the affected sub-tree

def heapSort(nums):
    #build a maxheap
    for i in range(n,-1,-1): #n can be replaced by n//2-1

    #one by one extract element
    for i in range(n-1,0,-1):

>>[1, 3, 4, 5, 10]

Heap Sort is an in-place algorithm. Its typical implementation is not stable, but can be made stable.

TO(logn) for heapify
TO(n) for create and build heap
TO(nlogn) overall


leetcode 215 - Kth Largest in an Array [M] - max heap see topic #kth largest
Find the kth largest element in an unsorted array, note: not the kth distinct element.

Input: [3,2,1,5,6,4] and k=2
Output: 5
Input: [3,2,3,1,2,4,5,5,6] and k=4
Output: 4

import heapq
class Solution():
    def findKthLargest(self,nums,k):

        return heapq.nlargest(k,nums)[-1]

leetcode 218 - The Skyline Problem [H]
Given the locations and height of all the buildings, write a program to output the skyline formed by these buildings collectively.

Input: [left,right,height]
Output: [[1,3],[2,4],[4,0],[5,2],[6,4],[7,2],[8,4],[9,0]]

  5 |
  4 |     |-----|     |--|  |--|
  3 |  |--|--|  |     |  |  |  |
  2 |  |  |  |  |  |--|--|--|  |
  1 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  

  5 |
  4 |     x-----|     x--|  x--|
  3 |  x--|--|  |     |  |  |  |
  2 |  |  |  |  |  x--|--x--|  |
  1 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  

Solution - use max heap:

  1. transfer [l,r,h] to [l,-h,r]+[r,h,None]
    Note 1: -h for discriminating the left and the right edges
    Note 2: for the left to be sorted ahead of the right
    Note 3: minus value of height suits for the default minheap setting
  2. sort the new rectangles of [l,-h,r]+[r,h,None]
  3. use a min heap (default) to record height and right (h,r)
  4. when meets left edge (h<0), heap push (h,r)
  5. when not left edge and current left (which was the right edge originally) is larger than the recorded right, which means the previous whole block reaches right end, heap pop all the recorded (h,r)
  6. every time when earlier top!=new heap[0][0], which is the latest max height, res append [l,-heap[0][0]]
    Note 1: always append left edge points
    Note 2: heap[0][0] is always the highest right edges, cuz of the property of default minheap from heapq

    -> sorted([l,-h,r]+[r,h,None])
    ('leftpush', [(-3, 3), (0, inf)])
    ('leftpush', [(-4, 4), (0, inf), (-3, 3)])
    ('whilepop', [(-3, 3), (0, inf)])
    ('whilepop', [(0, inf)])
    ('leftpush', [(-2, 8), (0, inf)])
    ('leftpush', [(-4, 7), (0, inf), (-2, 8)])
    ('whilepop', [(-2, 8), (0, inf)])
    ('whilepop', [(0, inf)])
    ('leftpush', [(-4, 9), (0, inf)])
    ('whilepop', [(0, inf)])
import heapq

class Solution():
    def getSkyline(self,buildings):

        rect=[[l,-h,r] for l,r,h in buildings]+[[r,h,None] for l,r,h in buildings]
        heap=[(0,float('inf'))] #store (h,r)

        for l,h,r in rect:
            while l>=heap[0][1]: #left >= most right, jump to next new block
                heapq.heappop(heap) #pop all
            if h<0:
            if top!=heap[0][0]:

        return res

leetcode 253 - Meeting Rooms II [M] - heap sort
Given an array of meeting time intervals [[start,end],…], start<end
Find the minimum number of conference rooms required

Input: [[0,30],[5,10],[15,20]]
Output: 2
Input: [[7,10],[2,4]]
Output: 1

Solution: minheap
heap[0] is always the minimum value, and everytime popping the minimum

  1. sort by first element
  2. heappush the end time (the second element)
  3. if min value <= next.start, heappop
  4. max rooms = max(max rooms, len(heap))



 i  heap     max rooms
(0, [30],     1)
(1, [10, 30], 2)       10<15 pop 10  
(2, [20, 30], 2)
import heapq
class Solution():
    def minMeetingRooms(self,intervals):
        heap=[] #rooms
        intervals.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])

        for i in intervals:
            while heap[0]<=i[0]:

        return max_rooms

leetcode 272 - Closest Binary Search Tree Value II (multiple k values) [H]
Given a non-empty binary search tree and a target value, find k values in the bst that is closest to the target

Input: root=[4,2,5,1,3], target 3.714286, k=2

     / \
    2   5
   / \
  1   3

Output: [4,3]


  1. use min heap to record (-diff,node.val)
  2. when len(heap) > k, heappop the min (-diff), and keep k largest -diff which is closest value
  3. first check (node.val-target)<max diff
  4. if not, check target> or <node.val, if <, go to left child, else go to right child


                                 min  heap
find(4,3.7)               [(-inf,  0),(-0.3,  4)]     
    find(2,3.7)           [(-1.7,  2),(-0.3,  4)]
        find(1,3.7)        2.7>1.7, 3.7>1
            find(1.right) return
        find(3,3.7)       [(-0.7,  3),(-0.3,  4)]
            find(3.left)  return
    find(5,3.7)            2.7>0,7, 3.7<5
        find(5.left)      return  
import heapq
class Solution():
    def closestKValues(self,root,target,k):

        return [v for diff,v in closest]

    def find(self,node,target,k,closest):
        if not node:

        if abs(node.val-target)<-closest[0][0]:
            if len(closest)>k:

        elif target>node.val: